Reflection Journal


I'm excited to get to know all of the websites introduced this week. The PBL Explained video from PBLworks was awesome! I feel like I finally have quick examples to explain what class I am taking!

I came into this class without any understanding of the negative aspects involved with PBL. I was seeing only rainbows and couldn't find a dark cloud in the sky. Now after reading this weeks' articles, I see that everything isn't cupcakes in PBL!


I am loving all of the videos and articles on PBL!

From Worms to Wall Street

I am all fired up watching these kids! They are learning so many real life lessons!


I've gotten behind :S I've got to get caught up.

Today I need to

  1. Post to the Project Search and Brainstorm discussion forum
    1. Use essential project design elements checklist
    2. Reread yesterday's update to make sure I've followed the guidelines
    3. Explain why I chose the project
    4. Share all of this in the discussion forum
    5. Check out examples
  2. Get the PBL Project Template
  3. Week2-Part2!
  4. Figure out the CSS for my Side Content bar for why this appears underneath and separated


This website is fantastic!!! It has so many phenomenal lessons! Too bad it is so expensive. I would hope that the school would buy the account for the teacher, but I wouldn't expect that to happen.


I gave up and dropped this class. It is too much for a 10-week session, especially while taking a second course. I would love to be able to take this again during the regular semester, but I just don't think there will be time :(