Survey Questions

1. Which branch of the library do you work at?

2. What is your official title at the library?

3. How long have you worked for Boise Public Library?

4. How long have you worked in libraries in general?

5. On a weekly basis, how many hours do you work directly with the public?

6. How would you rate your technical skills in general?

7. Do you have ANY prior experience using a 3D printer?

8. If yes, which brand(s) and model(s) of printer(s) have you used before?

9. Have you received formal training in any kind for using 3D printers?

10. If so, was this training provided by the library and was this training voluntary?

11. In what format(s) was this training presented?

12. Are you interested in obtaining/further training on 3D printing?

13. Do you know what makes/models of 3D printers your branch has? What are they?

14. How comfortable would you say that you feel about using 3D printers?

15. How confident are you in aiding patrons in using 3D printers?

16. How do you feel about the role of 3D printers in the library?

17. How do you feel about the impact new technologies have on your career at the library?

18. How do you feel about the way new technologies and processes are introduced at the library?

19. What can the library do to improve training on using new technology?